With 5 million deaths per year, climate change is the biggest single threat facing humanity. It’s now or never, if we want to limit global warming to a degree that saves millions of lives and enriches our world. Some might say “Ok, but I can’t afford to be sustainable” or “This is too much to handle”. Well, Syncwatt lowers your electric bill and pays you for saving energy. Simple.
Syncwatt is a DC-based tech company that pays people and businesses for saving energy at their homes or places of business. The first step to getting paid for being sustainable is no longer purchasing solar panels or an efficient light, it’s simply living and working with the Syncwatt app.
Syncwatt tracks the energy consumption of your home or building and converts your carbon savings into a payment for helping to heal our planet. Using smart meter technology, Syncwatt tracks the energy consumption in a home or building and pays customers the market value of each kWh reduced, at a minimum. Customers can also see their sustainability score and carbon reduction.
Monthly payments for saving energy are called Energy Pay. According to Syncwatt, Energy Pay recipients are expected to earn $120 – $500 each year, with the possibility of earning more and winning prizes.
“We’re making it easy and fun to be sustainable,” said Hasim Dawkins, Founder of Syncwatt. “Earth is the rarest thing in the known universe and saving it has value. Syncwatt measures and distributes the value of healing the world amongst participating people, utilities, businesses, and governments.
Syncwatt was founded in 2019, with a mission to heal the earth, lower electric bills, and increase pay for being sustainable. The Energy Pay system provides verifiable carbon and energy reduction credits to utilities, governments, and organizations using authentic energy data. A portion of the money from sales of carbon and energy reduction credits is paid to people and businesses that saved energy.
A portion of Energy Pay is funded with Syncwatt’s revenue and Energycoin.
People and businesses also receive Energycoin, in addition to cash, for saving energy. Energycoin is a cryptocurrency, which is also earned by reducing one kilowatt-hour of electricity at a rate of the value of one kWh. For example, 7-cents per kWh equals 7-cents per kWh earned.
Best Price Energy is Syncwatt’s seamless cooperative purchasing program, that gives individuals and small businesses the lower energy prices big companies get. The Best Price meter displays electric customers’ potential Bill Reduction per month, based on a comparison between customers’ current rate and Best Price within dynamic energy use scenarios.
Household consumption is the largest component of a country’s gross domestic product (GDP) and the main contributor to greenhouse gas emissions through direct energy consumption for heating and cooling. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its Mitigation of Climate Change report that stated behavioral and technological innovations can reduce global greenhouse gas emissions across all sectors (i.e., Building Use and Construction, food demand, large transportation, and industry) by 40-70% by 2050.
“In concert with governments, utilities, and people, Syncwatt aims to advance Energy Pay and its associated tech to reduce global greenhouse gas emission by 5-10% by 2050,” Dawkins said.